Education outside the Classroom
NCEA and primary programs for all schools. We aim to empower learners in water confidence and surf safety, and provide an educational session of surf culture and beginner surf technique.

- Wetsuits, sunblock and learner surfboards
- R.A.M reports and safety procedures
- Approximately 3 hours of surf instruction
- 1st aid qualified and surf lifesaving surf instructors

- Surf safety, handling surf equipment, rules of the surf zone
- Catching waves, paddling & standing technique
- Surf environment - waves, tides, rips and current
- Sun-smart behaviour
- Basic fitness skills
The Surfing New Zealand (SNZ) Junior Surfer Program
The Surfing New Zealand (SNZ) Junior Surfer Program is designed to guide a learner’s progress from basic surf safety to advanced techniques - the Junior Surfer Program provides a development path for students to pursue the sport through coaching, fitness training, contest organisation, and competition surfing.

Qualification to NZCEA, Physical Ed. Achievement Standard 90436 can be instructed to Level 4.

Our instructors are International Surfers Association (I.S.A) qualified, Level 2, experienced in coaching learners to competitors. They are qualified New Zealand Surf Lifesavers and First Aid Certified.