We're back in the water!!

Wasn’t it a relief that the surf came up just when we came out of lockdown!! Seems like Mother Earth is grateful for the rest from the everyday pollution, and gave us a few waves to play on
It’s been great to see all the local crew out at the beach, brings a bit of normality back and we sure did miss you! Even though you can't pop into our store at the moment, we have really appreciated the support and loyalty as we find our footing under new regulations. It’s great that you can get coffee and takeaway food again, Coastal Kitchen is doing pick ups (thank goodness, I've missed those Pulled Pork Buns like crazy) and Wahi and Schnappa are providing their stellar coffees along with a yummy takeaway menu. All us little local businesses are doing our best to get social media savvy too!
A big shout out to the essential workers that provided food and other goods through the lockdown. The shops that made sure the people of the Tutukaka Coast didn’t have to drive to town to survive. Also the truck drivers and posties that delivered goods over the time. They said there was a huuuuuge spike in online shopping! Who's guilty?
Let’s stay in our bubbles and look forward to Level 2. Kia Kaha.
Photo Credits to Michael Cunningham
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